TDD Fundamentals
in tSQLt

This course covers the fundaments of Test Driven Development, enabling the developer to get up to speed quickly with the practice of TDD in T-SQL using tSQLt.

The course is very hands-on, where delegates spend a full 3 days learning the practice of Test Driven Development through a sequence of coding exercises interspersed with theory. A seasoned practitioner of TDD facilitates the course and brings with them a wealth of experience in implementing the practice in real-world development teams.

Learning Outcomes

  • The practice of TDD: Why, What, How
  • Naming a test
  • Structuring a test
  • The core methods of writing unit tests for databases such as substitute tables and the various assertion methods provided by tSQLt
  • Understanding how to incorporate the practice of TDD into your development method
  • Recognising the cadences of TDD

We usually use the following tools to teach this course:

  • SQL Server
  • SQL Server Management Studio (or any other SQL editor)

If we run the course at one of our training venues then we provide all the required tools (although you can bring your own SQL editor if you would prefer). If we run the course at a customer venue then the customer will need to provide these tools in order to run the course. Please contact us if you have any questions about this.

Test Driven Development